

Frequently asked Questions!
What Are Track Audits?2024-01-31T08:53:35-08:00

As part of our operational services we work with your company to perform a full track audit and look at future considerations for maintenance and repair. The process takes 1-2 days with a detailed report submitted and stored for your business.

What Is The Fouling Point Or Being Foul ?2017-05-01T14:57:22-07:00

Where two tracks converge and equipment on one track is close enough to contact equipment on the other track, that is being foul or at the fouling point.

What Is A Derail2017-05-01T14:57:02-07:00

A derail is a device designed to derail equipment if that equipment passes a certain point.  Derails are often placed near the fouling point of an industrial railway track and the railway service provider’s track to prevent the unintentional entry of rail equipment by derailing the equipment before it fouls the service provider’s track.  Derails are normally operated manually and can be a hinged type, sliding type (usually operated by a switch-stand type mechanism) or a switch point type that guides equipment off its track by the use of switch points.

Why Can’t I Release Hand Brakes From The Ground2017-06-26T15:42:21-07:00

Basically it is not a safe practice.  It requires one to enter between the rail cars or step into the space behind the car in the case of a single car or the end of a string.  Releasing the hand brake from that position exposes the person releasing the brake to being struck by the rail car should it move upon the hand brake being released.

When does the Training Requirement Section of the Alberta Industrial Railway Regulation apply?2017-06-26T15:58:43-07:00

If no employee or contractor working for an industrial railway is directly involved in the movement of rail cars, and is merely involved in loading/unloading rail cars, do the training requirements of the Alberta Industrial Railway Regulations apply to that industrial railway operation?

The Industrial Railway Regulations provide direction for the training that is required for employees and/or contractors involved in working in and around rail cars even though they are not involved with switching rail cars.

In the Event of a Reportable Rail Incident who is Required to Submit Report?2017-06-26T15:47:46-07:00

The organization that holds the operating authority or permit is the organization that is responsible to report any incident on their site.  This applies even if the service carrier performs the switching and has an incident on the industrial railway site.